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Why study with Dr. Song Square?
Competition level study is conducted in Dr. Song Square Academy. You can prepare with Dr. Song (Ph.D in mathematics from University of Toronto) and teachers with 10-30 years of teaching experience. All our teachers majored in varying subjects at McGill, McMaster, and Toronto universities and graduate schools.

( * Assessment test (Online) and Trial lesson (Online) will be required for returning or new students)

Please contact us at 647-781-4670 for more information.

닥터송 스퀘어 학원은?
토론토대학 수학 박사이신 Dr. Song 원장님과(Ph.D in mathematics from University of Toronto)맥길, 맥매스터, 토론토 대학및 대학원에서 각 티칭과목을 전공한 티칭 경력 10-30년의 선생님들이 자체 제작한 콘테스트 교재로, 혼자 준비하기 어려운 레벨의 시험을 효과적으로 공부할수 있습니다.

* 첫 등록이나 리턴 학생인경우 Assessment test (Online) and Trial lesson (Online)후 콘테스트 반 등록이 가능합니다.

자세한 문의는 647-781-4670로 문자나 전화주세요

Why are contests becoming more important?
As the average admission scores for STEM-related majors at top-tier universities in Canada and the United States have risen, supplementary materials (in addition to students' 11th and 12th grade GPA) are playing an important role in admissions. Leadership activities and experiences both in and out of school are important for supplementaries. As more and more students have very high grades (GPAs of 95 or higher), whether they are in an AP or IB program is also becoming more important than in previous years. If you want to major in engineering, computer science, or mathematics, preparing up to competition level will be very helpful not only for entering university, but also when studying at university. Nowadays, students are consistently preparing for competitions since the 7th grade.

컨테스트 준비가 더 중요해진 이유는?
캐나다, 미국 Top Tier 대학 STEM 관련 전공학과의 입학 평균 점수가 놀랍게 상승하면서, 대학 입시에서 학생들의 11, 12학년 GPA 외에 Supplementary가 입학에 중요하게 작용하고 있습니다. Supplementary에 교내외의 리더쉽 활동 및 경험이 중요하고, 점점 최상위권 (GPA 평균 95이상) 학생들이 많아짐으로 AP EXAM or IB program의 여부도 예년에 비해 중요해지고 있습니다. 특히, 엔지니어링, 컴퓨터, 수학 전공일 경우 Math, Computer 경시대회 레벨까지 준비하는것이 대학 입학은 물론, 대학에서 공부할 경우 많은 도움이 됩니다. 수학의 중요 컨셉이 많이 시작되는 7학년부터 컨테스트 대비해서 꾸준히 공부하면 좋습니다.

What are some benefits of contests?
- After understanding the basic concepts, you can improve your problem application skills and thinking, which are essential.
- You can demonstrate your ability by sending your score to top-tier universities when applying.
- By studying contest questions and participating in AP exams, universities can evaluate your skills beyond just your school marks.

경시대회를 준비할때의 유익은?
- 기본적인 개념을 이해한 뒤에 반드시 필요한 문제 응용력과 사고를 향상 시킬수 있습니다
- 경시대회 문제를 공부하고 시험에 참여함으로 각 학교의 시험을 통한 평가외에, 각자의 실력을 객관적으로 평가할 수 있습니다.
- Top Tire 대학 STEM 관련 전공 입시 원서에 기입하여 객관적인 실력을 어필 할 수 있습니다.

Grade 7 - Grade 9

Students will go over past term test questions with teachers. Contact us to enroll in the course

Grade 10 - Grade 12

Students will go over past term test questions with teachers. Contact us to enroll in the course

Computer Contest

Students will go over past term test questions with teachers. Contact us to enroll the course

  • Canadian Computing Competition(CCC): scheduled on Feb. Past contest link
  • Junior Level (Grade 9 and Grade 10): requires level 1 and level 2 in Dr Song Square Education Inc. in computer course.
  • Senior Level (Grade 11 and Grade 12): requires level 3 in Dr Song Square Education Inc. in computer course